Thoughts on Reality and Fantasy in the Digital World

Thoughts on Reality and Fantasy in the Digital World

The idea of having an escape isn’t always a bad thing but it must be something that gives you a break and doesn’t dominate your life.  When you go out, you’ll see a lot of people on their phones instead of interacting.  While I love the access that the Internet brings, I still value the ability to connect with people and to make those valuable human connections that you don’t get through the screen. I think that it is hard to compare the experience that you get on the Internet from the human connection experience.  Often reality isn’t as nice as the Internet world that you have a choice over, but life isn’t as pretty.  In the real world, you often can’t control the scenarios that you find yourselves in and dealing with things can be uncomfortable and messy. 

I do see value in having a fantasy option.  My husband is a dedicated and amazing man but will play for hours with his brother video games.  It helps them bond and helps them turn off their brains for a while and gives them a needed escape.  The occasional escape can be good to help get you back on track.  I like Dr. Who.  As a fan girl, I like to watch him travel through space and time returning order to the world.  It not only gives me an escape, but it allows me to return my faith that there is justice. 

Examples of Real-Nonreal Items in Museums:

The way that I am looking at real-nonreal phenomenon is through a movie/television setting.  At the Smithsonian, you see several items on display that showcase items from movie/television that are real items but are from nonreal settings. These are part of our history. Each of these provided great escape for us and are now showcased in museums showing that they were of value to us.

Dorothy’s Red Slippers:


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