Evolution of the Digital Web
Evolution of the Digital Web
Photograph of Happy Family. Istock Photo. May. 2019. istock.com
The way that we consumer media can be individual or generational. Today, we have a variety of options of how to consumer media. One key thing that all generations have to be is adaptable. As times changes, we can still enjoy the way that we initially learned things but we have to remain open to how the next generation will learn in order for us to thrive in our personal and professional lives.
When I was in middle school, we used to do scavenger hunts around the area for historical information. I can't tell you how much time that I spent with my dad researching the information in actual libraries. It was a bonding experience for us but I can't tell you how much time would have been saved having the Internet as a resource.
The sites listed below are two that I found on Northern Virginia. They were from the historical societies that serve those areas. I look forward to learning more about the area that I live in.
Two digital history
locations for Northern Virginia background:
- Fairfax, Virginia History: http://www.fairfaxhistoricalsociety.org/
- Alexandria, Virginia History: https://alexandriahistoricalsociety.wildapricot.org/history
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